Member-only story
Nostalgia: The Lingering Taste on every Expat’s Tongue
Could you bring back:
x 1 box of mini Shredded Wheat honeynut
x 1 box of mini Shredded Wheat plain
x 1 bumper pack of Heinz baked beans
x 1 Thai Taste green curry paste
x 1 Yorkshire tea bags
x 1 Walkers prawn cocktail 6 pack crisps
x 1 Galaxy Minstrels
x 1 Dairy Milk bar chocolate
Saturday or Sunday Guardian, Observer or Times
Thanks dude! Can pay in Euros or Sterling.
I am a British expat and that there is a shopping list from my expat neighbour. That shopping list encapsulates everything it is to be British — stuck in our ways, multi-cultural and above all, wistfully nostalgic.
“I’m going back to the UK, do you need anything?” The question that will get an expat salivating quicker than a Bloodhound in heat. I live in the country that has the longest-standing love affair with cheese — vive la France! There is a saying in French, “triste comme un repas sans fromage”, which literally translates to, “sad like a meal without cheese”. What it really means is to be extremely unhappy — as disgruntled as a French person facing a cheese-less meal perhaps. Despite living in the…